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A women needs some capital to set up a warung. Some women sell snacks in the evening that [[strikethrough]] tho [[/strikethrough]] they have made during the day. this type of activity does not generated much income as it is executed on a very small scale.

A growing number of young women in the area are working as prostitutes. They service the fishermen who spend a night on the coast from other villages. One would assume they received better wage engaged in this activity then they would cleaning fish.


As already mentioned, most of the adult population is either illiterate or has limited reading and writing skills. School attendance is low. There is a high drop out rate after grade 3. Some parents cannot afford to send their children to school. Only 32 children graduated over the past two years from a class of 750 students.

In Sungaibuntu and Cemara Jaya, boys clean boats and help prepare for fishing trips. In Sungaibuntu girls work as fish cleaners and look after younger children. In Cemara Jaya there is no employment for young girls, and they normally marry at age 14-15.

It is typical in areas of low income, that children take on part time jobs to help supplemant the daily expenditure.


Due to inadaquate nutrition children and adults tend to suffer from various sickness. Stap[[strikethrough]]p[[/strikethrough]]le diet is rice and fish. Vegetables are seldom bought. Chickens and eggs are sold to provide extra income. In Cemara Jaya people still wash in the river.  Dysentry, bad eye sight due to dietry deficiency, skin diseases and coughs are common.