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or the sea festival
cut animals, give offerings & wayang performances, etc.
[[strikethrough]] all [[/strikethrough]] also complains that they go into debt to do these things
p23 social + welfare organizations weak, people have a mainly passive attitude + expect that road repair, environm. maint etc. will come from above.
don’t like to meet because associate meetings w/ taxation, but do help each other in gotong-royong fashion in times of need.

B. Cemara Jaya
12 KM from kec. town, 40 KM Karawang, 5K from KUO in S.B. Road to kec. town still unpaved & 4-wheeled vehicles don’t come in on this road, but can come in from S.B. or Cibuaya side
generally public transp. as far as S.B. & then take ojeg (motorcycles used for public transport) on in but costs 500 Rp
p25  area 1, 651.5 ha (16.5 KM2) of which 67% tambak & empang (ponds) & only 28% sawah


multicropping not poss. on all the sawah due to lack of techn. irr.

p26 pop 6,831 or 414 per K2 females exceed males by only 113, mostly in the 15-24 category

p27 educ. stats show no grade school graduates even in the village and 1350 out of 2216 persons listed have never gone to school!
are 14 SD, 3 of them new, but only 1 has teachers up thru grade 6 + shortage of teachers
- of 1103 persons listed in labor force, following main occuptions:
buruh tane 300 (includes petani suwak & petani garap)
pandega 221
traders 177
[[margin note]] ? subsistence or small farmers w/ little land [[/margin note]] farmers on own land 160 (petani penggarap)
farmers 120 (petani)
juragan 82
petani tambak 35
p28 sign amt. of livestock (chickens, ducks, pigs, goats & 87 buffalo) 
317 pigs of course unusual + shows high Ch. pop. who are Christians + Buddhists 

Transcription Notes:
Im not sure if I did the margins right