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no longer exist
McGee, however, pts. ont imp. of inf. sector in commodity distrib. in SEA cities
-low income persons have little hope of obtaining residencies in resmi areas
-housing built on rural model, ie split bamboo walls & dirt floors
-slum defined as an area w/out services, often illegal, where residences of poor quality and tightly packed together, w/out decoration, often living under the threat of demolition
-slums often contain anti-social elements, evidences of moral poverty, & therefore tendency for outsiders to equate slums & crime
-McGee notes that in many SEA cities the combined pops of slums & squatter settlements make up 2/3 of the urban pop
-[[strikethrough]] because [[/strikethrough]] altho squatters have no legal rts., city authorities know that attempts to evict often turn into a pol. problem; may be easier, therefore, to legitimize their status or provide them w/ compensation in form of land in another area ((or money))
-Fread & Levitan identify some positive functions of slums, i.e. slums act

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as transitional zones where rural people can learn new skills & adapt gradually to urban life
also as a pool of cheap labor to be exploited by wealthier groups in the city,
'slum' refers not just to state of buildings but to state of the people as well
in addition to retaining some village ways, must also learn some new ways of surviving & these often in conflict w/ norms of wider society, e.g. they may be forced to become prostitutes, pimps, protection artists, theives, thugs or guards
-thugs (pemukul) and guards (centeng) also serve to protect the slum from outsiders ((and hence rise to positions of power within [[strikethrough]] sn [[/strikethrough]] it))
-tendency to live pragmatically rather than acc. to code of morality of wider society
-follows discussion of Oscar Lewis' "culture of poverty" concept
Lewis says poor live in isolation from rest of society & pass their coping strategies down to their children
isolation caused by mistrust of outsiders, esp. of govn. and religious