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resettlement plans have tended to place too much hope + dependency in the pengurus
- because most of residents from Jav. ethnic group, Jav.. language used mainly
- permanent residents may not know temporary residents as well.
- some of older and wealthier residents able to leave but don't want to because of long-time ties w/ other families in the kampong and feeling of pride in being one of the old- timers
-people very conscious of division between T.D. and Palmerah, less so of klompok divisions w/ in T.D.
-residents aware than K.S. considered a "daerah hitam" (area of criminal activities)
they admit drunkeness, protection rackets (pemerasan) and fights common, but blame on outsiders (orang luas") who come into the kampong
- case where a K.S. residents killed during robbery he was carrying out in another area (beaten to death) comment of klompok head that he knows some of men in his klompok are robbers but always stresses hat they shouldn't "look for food in their own neighbors dish"

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((different code of ethics for insiders and outsiders))
K.S. residents don't like to be called "tuna wisma" (squatters) - pt. out they are citizens like everyone else, just they have had bad luck
- a mushola in T.D. and another in Palmera
Islamic holidays celebrated in the kampong and children under 12 taken even. [[evening]] pengajian classes
- very small market about 500 meters from K.S. where most women shop 
- school, Puskesmas and larger passar 2 K. away, reachable on [[strikethrough]]feet[[/strikethrough]] foot, by becak (400 Rp round trip) or motorcycle

History of the kampong
orig. owners of K.S. land were 3 hajis who allowed several farmers to plant
before could plant had to spend several months filling in the swamp and fighting against alang 2 and gelagah 
built there gubuks there
this in 1955
in 1963 land they were farming bought by Sukarno who was building a house nearby (the present Orchid Hotel)
they each got ganti rugi of 50,000-