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-because of high densities river no longer usable & people collected money among selves secara gotong royong to build pump walls
incident occured in 74 when mysterious man appeared, said he was the owner of the land & began putting up fences & showing to buyers; when several buyers began to build, K.S. residents brought in a truck of troops ((from where?)) to tear down & supposed buyers disappeared
asst. lurah denies & says K.S. residents themselves trying to sell off & kaburahan forced to step in to prevent
-by 1975 were 200 families & they elected a leader who they called "head of security" (ketua keananan)
200 families included not only migrants but victims of penqusuran (eviction, demolition) in other parts of the city
-in 1975 also the Bank National tore down houses on some land they owned near H. Parman-- the M.K.G.R. protection got ganti rugi for them and they moved further in; angered the lurah who felt they should have left K.S.if got ganti rugi
-first eviction letter issued by mayor of W. Jak in 1976, but no action taken

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-in 79 the kampong still under a ketua (head) assisted by 10 security officials paid out of small fee (100-150 Rp) charged each family a mo.
no more room to build houses & process of subdividing & renting out existing houses to more families had begun
the MKGR protector at end of 1980 divided T.D. into 4 sections, each headed by a klompok head who acted as an R.T.--older residents or influential men chosen for these 4 positions
-in Apr 80 another letter from mayor giving them a mo. to demolish their gubugs & leave before a "security team" arrives; simultaneously govn. put announcement in paper that it planed to begin immediately on construction of a Taman Rekreasi on that site, complete w/ drive in, swimming pool, etc.
excuse given that W. Jak. had no facilitied of this type
paper said land belonged to D.K.I. govn, but rumors flying that owned by prominant head of a certain political party

at this pt., with all the publicity, Nainggolan & several representatives of NGO got