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Naingg drew up plan for resettlement & meetings held w/ mayor of W. Jak & Junior Minister of housing
Jun. Min. asked to become official "protector" of K.S. (his house located nearby)
p.101 at 1st residents formed BP3MKS, later changed to YPMKS - received help from several local & foreign NGOs;
activities included collecting own savings, trying to get donations, setting a a small pre-coop and some training courses

- 31 of the 566 HH in T.D. headed by women
- 87.10% of HH heads from rural areas
altho. Jav. the daily lang. of the kampong, less than half from C. & E. Java, while 22.87% Sundan & 9.07% orang Betawi (to whom the city should belong) another 7.42% from Sumatra while remaining 1% from other islands
- 60% of HH heads are between 20-35 yrs of age, so a young pop (85.69 are 45 or under)
- ties in that ave. no. of children also low, tho some [strikethrough]tho[/strikethrough] have left

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their children behind w/ grandparents in the village
tho ave. no. children low, many HH contain non-family dependants
-94.17% Islam
-37.45% of HH heads have [strikethrough]l[/strikethrough] completed grade school & 27.22% have some grade school ed.
surprising 20.32 have some post grade-school educ., while 12.72% have never been to school
-tho most HH heads are 1st generation migrants, most are not very recent migrants
31.09% have been in Jak 10 yrs or longer, while 62% longer than 5 yrs; but about 65% have been in K.S. less than 5 yrs (remembering that K.S. began showing rapidly about 5 yrs ago or 1975 ((earlier says 1973))
- re motiv. for moving from rural areas, more than half said to get a better life & 23.14% said specifically to find work
- 23.14% have never been back to their kampong, but about 47% go back once a yr. or oftener
-concerning motivation for moving to