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itinerant traders (14.15%) and lowest level formal sector employees (6.18 govn. & 12.54% private)
9.01% tukang becak, 6.36% drivers 4.77% warung owners, 3.88% unemployed, 1.78% (10 persons) PRT, etc.
undereporting of prostitution by Saras' research assistants
     -for some categories of working i.e., becak drivers & sidewalk [strikethrough]sl[/strikethrough] vendors who stay in one spot, job involves a lot of waiting & hence work hrs long but not [strikethrough]l[/strikethrough] very arduous
half of KK work 10 or more hrs a day
p131 -also piece rate workers put in long hrs because need earnings
surprising 87.81% of HH heads reported they are the only employed person in the HH
     -residents [strikethrough]after[/strikethrough] note that they were often hungry in the villages, but in town there is always sth to eat
     -if look at incomes see that K.S. residents, despite squatter status, probably not the poorest people in Jak.
     -in 1980, 53.18% earned between 10,000 - 30,000Rp a mo; 27.18% earned 30,000 - 50,000; 10.25%

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earned between 50,000 - 70,000
only 3.71% earned less than 10,000 & only 5.65% more than 70,000
     -reported expenditure level high, tho w/ 37.99% spending 1000 - 1500 a day is commonest category
     -also relative prosperity seen by fact that only 5.65% receive help from outside relatives which 29.32% give such help
many have invested in land in home villages (25.27%), in houses there (14.31%) or livestock (2.40%)
     -w/ poor sanitation & water supply, overcrowding, floods, etc., not surprising that high levels of sickness, but people give little attention to health
     -about 53% use Puskemas if sick,
      28% buy over the counter medicines, 17% to private doctors & only 2.3% to dukuns
author suspects bias in these answers, however
     -only 225 kids from K.S. in school; help from Usaha Mulya in finding "adoptions" to cover school fees
     -in 1st 3 mos of Yayasan's efforts to collect savings for [strikethrough]tran[/strikethrough] pemukiman,