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got 1 mil. w/ 65.02% [footnote: 368HH or 368 H+1] of pop partici-
levels dropped off thereafter
those who participated generally gubule owners, not renters
p141 - only 5.47% have outside savings
alltho some [[strikethrough]] belon [[/strikethrough]] belong to ausans 
- entertainments include films at
local theater + gambling

Chapter 4: Case Studies

(1) Pak Atmo
a centeng on guard who lives from
keamanan money
married to an older woman with 3
adopted children from her sister
formerly a prosperous waving nasi
but equipment destroyed by team
penetiban "cleaning up" gl. S.
never able to recoup and when lost all their equipment 
all 3 adopted children had to stop school
Bu Atmo has tried various ways to earn money, but [[strikethrough]] ?[[/strikethrough]] now walks to pasar & does shopping for warung owners
Pak Atmo a 1st generation migrant from

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C Java w grade school educ. ambition to continue school frustrated by poverty & to enter army by "misluk"; when still had warung nasi sold mainly to construction workers; at that time they lived in a resmi kampong in Tomang
lost further savings to a friend who borrowed as capital for bahso selling business but didn't repay.
Ibu Atmo has worked in past as a servant but now feels she is too old
-they get & ask for no help from adopted children and other relatives living in Jak
-house of ^wooden^ packing cases w dirt floors & fiber roof
Pak Atmo gets a little extra by acting as informer to nearby Pos Polisi
-say they prefer living in K. S.-poverty more bearable if neighbors also poor
p 151 2 Bang Taine
native Jakartanese from Pejompongan area
from a well-known lenong (trad. theater) family and he chosen in 1975 as best male player in Jak.