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as is common for Jak men, he has been married many times (he says 17); when moved to K. S. had 3 wives who lived together, but two left him during hard times (minta cerai) now a single wife 

children 11, of which 7 living, 2 from this last wife.

Bang Zaini little schooling but can read + write

father a wealthy haji who lived 10 yrs in Mecca, but over the years lost most of his land

occasionally earns small amt. as lenong player (4000 per performance incl. rehearsals, + meals + transport)

main living from trading, however built kiosks in Pasar Jaya area w/ friends + planned to start a market but failed to get permits, so used kiosks as houses

eventually demolished - got land as 'kapling' (compensation?) in Cengkareng but had to sell to get trading capital

at this pt. contracted in K. S. .

over the yrs. has traded various things including fruit, used watches,

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young coconuts

several times got small acts of capital from parents but used up quickly

most profitable venture, a fruit stand on Jl. Tomang Raya, destroyed when govn. built Tomang Traffic Bridge - never able to recoup

most recently sold kelapa muda along S. Parman + organized kel. muda sellers to get a license from off of mayor of W. Jak.

recently not profitable, however, + he quit

now jobless + occasionally splits a game w/ a professional gamler (tukang judi koprok) to get money

of 2 younger children at home, boy getting schooling assistance from Dutch Yayasan

[[left margin]] 3 [[/left margin]] Pak Suryadi

young becak driver from Indramayu in C. Java

father a becak driver too

mother dead and Suryadi left school after 2 yrs. + worked as buruh tani till brought by father in mid 70's to Jak.

they still live together in K.S. in