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home of some talike
father owns becak but Suryadi rents from tauke for 400 Rp a day-can use from 6:00 AM till 5:00 PM; if paid 550 could use till midnight [[?]] he feels he doesn't have strength-Suryadi married off young to a cousin in his village + they have 2 small kids
wife + kids left behind in village + he goes home to take them money once every 2 wks
can take 10,000-20,000 depending on luck
wife [[strikethrough]]that [[/strikethrough]] lives by borrowing from neighbors in his absence and as soon as he arrives in village money paid out-must often borrow to get back to Jakarta!
has been able to buy land + simple house in the village
evenings he watches TV at home of neighbor in K. S.-does not go out for fear of being tempted by women or gambling, as most of his becak-driving friends
stays in village 3 or 4 days before coming back
p 161 when 1st arrived in Jak., worked near

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a kampongliar in Peyompongan-when that kampong disusal moved to Jl.Minanghe., but often chased by polisi or C. P. M.
then heard from brother who a helicak driver that little competition on Jl.
Angrek so moved to K. S.
 seldom meets brothers & sisters in Jak. (father married 3 times after Suyyadi's mother died)-meets in village at Lebaran
-Suryadi wants own kids to have a good educ.-hates his life in the city as a becak driver, but endures for kid's sake
riders often refuse to pay, esp. teenagers but little he can do
aware that when pengusuran comes he will have to move

4 Suir Tjwan
Chinese Bajaj driver.
still young, w 4 kids, oldest in kindergarten
father a small trader in grogal & mother made & sold cakes to warung. he left home at age 12 or 13 and worked in various factories after school. (T-shirt factory, candle factory,canning factory)