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3 kids, only 1 finished high school/
-have bought land + a house in 2nd wife's kampong in Indramayu (other wives divorced years ago)
-Pak Solari is head of his klompok
-aware of thieves and pickpockets living in his klompok area, but say he doesn't care as long as don't steal from neighbors 

8.[[underlined]] Pak Surip [[\underlined]]
wealthier resident who buys flower pots from Tasikmalaya and sells to orchid dealer at Taman Angrek 
he earns between 100,000-150,000 a mo. - employs two helpers to whom he also pays a combined salary of 100,000
house just over the bridge when you enter K.S and used for meetings when discussing resettlement 
-originally from Klaten priyayi family w/ many children 
family lost its wealth when mother got cancer and high medical bills 
-after junior high he entered military but had to quit when called home because mother's illness

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family not farmers, so some confusion as to type of work he should pursue 
-went to Sumatra in 1953 w/ a brothers and worked as a clerk in a school, later helped farm uncle's ladang and did some trading 
-preferred farming and trading because as a pegawai you have to be malu if you're penniless, but not if you're a farmer or trader.
-married Jao. Women in Sum, had 3 kids, then left them there
-in 1973, after 20 yrs in Sum., came to Java to help uncle who had a kebrun Anggrek at Taman Anggrek; took care of plants and guarded against theft at night; moved into K.S. nearby 

-after 3 yrs began supplying pots and business boomed .
-paid 90,000 ganti rugi to get his gubuk + 2000 extorted by threat from petugas Kam-Tib
-all 3 kids finishing SMA; oldest has come to Jak and works in Hotel Taman Angrek
-in 76 Pak Surip married a 2nd and younger wife (young girl) he met in K.S. but no kids 
-oldest sister killed in G30S and her son stays now w/ Surip also