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-Surip prefers life in the city because can always find food whereas farmer faces paceklik & rural trader can't sell anything during paceklik
- Pak Surip says he sends +- 30,000 Rp to Klaten every mo. to help his 9 brothers & sisters still there
- sometimes arranges shipments of pots to Kalimantan & Sulawesi
- Pak Surip stays home & lets assistants man pot stand; uses no bookkeeping system
- doesn't know what will do if demolition but trusts will find some way out
9 [encircled] PakDJasman [underlined]
[warung?] owner who also owns a no. of gubuks wh/ he rents out -- considered by others as the richest man in K.S. & could certainly move out but says doesn't want to because likes the neighbors
also the head of security (ketua amanan) for K.S.
from a poor E. Javanese family - couldn't afford to continue past S.M.P
- worked in fields for 5 yrs & then got a job at spinning factory in [Semarang?]
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-after 6 yrs bored & became sailor on Buginese ship carrying salt from Rembang to Sumatra.
-followed by jobs in cigarette factory in Sem., as construction worker in various cities and finally as a guard in a business in Jakarta not far from K.S.
2 wives left behind in Semarang most of this time; 3  kids from first wife  
when moved to K.S. in 1972 had to pay 'cigarettes' to the 2'petugas keamanan from the kalurahan who preyed on residents till '79
while working as guard PakDjasman also farmed large piece of land at K.S. ((Saras doesn't say how he got rts. to this land)) & earned considerable amt. of money from sale of veg. 
as new people moved in he built gubuks on his land & contacted them out for 'ganti rugi'
in add to warung, gubuks, he also worked as night watchman at private home in Kebayoran for a while, but when warung got too big he stopped - 1st wife divorced him so now  lives