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w/ 2 sons from 1st mar. + 2nd wife.
p211 believes in hard work + teaches work ethic to kids
says kids are imp. to take care of parents when parents too old to work
kids help in [warung?] after school
- after case studies Saras looks at their hopes + aspirations + asks Q whether it is true, as Oscan Lewis says, that it is impossible to escape the culture of poverty
in general true of K.S. residents that they feel they are better off than when were in the village, that they have worked hard to adapt to city life and in general have succeeded, + often they have raised their social status
- in listing most imp. aspiration (cita 2), 36.76% said to have a [[??]] in Jak., 25.79% said to have peace + happiness in the family, 21.55% said to improve job + income, 8.66% said to provide children w/. good educ. + 3.89% said service to god (Ibadah)
- only 3.36% so beaten down w/. poverty

((next page))


+ a lifetime of suffering that unable to express aspirations. 
-Pak Sobani, the [?] becak, is saving so he + his wife can "pengi ke Kulom" i.e. maik haji in Mecea 
-Pak Surip, the pot supplier would like to buy a colt and go back to Klaten in his old age 
-Pak Atmo wants to het together enough capital to rebuild his success- [ful?] warning masi business that was destroyed by the team [penestiban??]; feels a kamung savings + loan coop would be the best way since moneylender interest rates too "hot".
-Pak Suryadi the becak driver wants to earn enough money to buy sawah in his home village & a motorcycle; then he will go home for good & farm & trade eggs.
((see ability to save relates to fact most are recent rural anurals who retain rural life styles))
-Mbak lnem, the former servant hopes her kids can go to schoo; so they wont be "as stupid as she is"

Chapter 5: [[Underlined]] Closing, Conclusions & Opinions [[Underlined]]