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bankruptcy due to destruction of equipment by team penestiban, etc
- closest ties w/ neighbors & share both fortune & misfortune
- when heard were to be evicted did not react w/ panic because feel are not alone.
at this pt a social worker ((Naingolan)) came to the kampung to help them w/ their resettlement (pemukimen kembali) plan & contact several social institutes to help
- values of slum dwellers may differ from those of outsiders
see in K.S. a greater tolerance
- tolerate prostitutes living in the kampong, but may not bring their customers in -- klompok heads feel it will be a bad influence on the kampong's children
- similarly tolerant of thieves as long as don't steal from neighbors
p 241 - families who have stayed in K.S. a long time but unable to improve lives generally victims of govn. actions
- most have gone thru a long process of adapting to city life & don't want to start all over w/ the transmigration


program offered by the govn.
Saras doubts validity of Lewis' theory that the poor live in isolation from outside world
pts out that K.S. people have been willing collectively to call in & make use of social workers, protectors (pelindung), NGOs etc.
also try village-style to establish individual 'feudal' ties w/ better-off and more powerful persons

power structure
before there were the 4 klompoks, there was a "ketua keamanan" ie Pak Djasman the warung owner, assisted by 3 private Hansips paid by the people
functionally similar to an R.T.
- every family paid monthly keamanan dues & fight broke out over this in 1980 because residents didn't know what dues for - called in outsiders, namely POLRI (police) & Brig. Gen. Sugandi ((not named in skrippi))
Sugandi in his capacity as head of local M. K. G. R. (Masyarakat Keluarga Gotong Royong?), bn org. for