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families of Golkar officials

((Adi says Sugandi had 2 motivations, to get votes for Golkar, but also genuinely interested in helping; disappeared, however, when Golkar came in 3rd in 82 elections, after P3t PDI))

- also polarization over the resettlement issue

- Pak Djasman claims he was orig. elected by people but also urged by Kam-tib desa (keamanan & ketertiban) to [strikethrough/] heo [strikethrough] become leade [leader] - says elected 2X

- are also centengs, i.e. fighters w/ weapons who act as keamanan tidak resmi & extort small amts of money from neighbors - centengs & bandar 2 judi known to everyone & nobody too concerned except newcomers

- differs with the 2 [strikethrough/] uknum [strikethrough] oknum (officials) from the kalurahan - before obtained protection from Sugandi, they really terrorized the people, often w/ weapons

- moneylenders ("rentenirs") also bother the people; rentenirs themselves are outsiders but have "feet & hands"

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("kakitangan") in the village.

Come around during hard times e.g. when there is a flood and people can't work for several days

[underlined/] children [underlined]

grow up outside the house, left to play w/ friends

come home only when called to eat, bathe or slp.

used to vulgar jokes or seeing men from neighboring houses earn a living from gambling when they are unemployed

also grow up aware that thieves, prostitutes, centengs etc. are tolerated

on positive side, however, they learn to work hard &, thru [through] caring for younger siblings, to be responsible

only 20-30 kids attend pengajian in the evenings, the others watch from windows

- parents still view kids as old-age insurance & feel safer if many kids

- expect kids to grow up [strikethrough/] usu [strikethrough] quickly, get work & lighten parents' burden