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56 [[underlined]] Conclusions [[/underlined]]

- Saras concludes that staying in squatter settlement necessary part of adaptation to urban life
that this adaptation made unnecessarily hard by man-made disasters such as demolition 

p 251
demolition not an answer since people will just have to move to another 'wild' area - giving ganti rugi in form of land or kapling often useless too since will sell if need money 

appendices include let [letter] from 4 klompoks to Waing asking him to help

also April 28,80 pengusuran announcement and June 9 request from Cosmos Batubara that they be given more time 
(after visit from 4 klompok heads   

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Oct 3, 1983
meeting at Ford office w/ Adi w/
1. Adin and one other LSP staff member from Bandung housing cooperative
2. Pak Mujito and Pak Suroso, heads of Kooperasi Pemukiman Sadar at K.S., backed by LSP and Humaika

the housing coop in Bandung running into probs with new bank law as of June 1 saying each bank must be self-suupporting; hence greater caution in giving loans

most of conversation concerned the kindergarten (T.K.) set up by Kooperasi Sadar

they say Namgolan getting 300 mil. from Misireor to be channeled as follows:

Misireor to Pa. Dukstra to Bina Swadaya to Panca Bhakti (Nainnggolan) to Yayasan (YPMKS) to residents 

originally Nainggolan requested aid from several NGOs and technical assistance