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people asked Naing to help them- he formed and then headed a Panitia [[strikethrough]] Penge [[strikethrough]] Pemlangunan Pemukuman K.S.
he also tried and failed 3 times to meet the mayor of W. Gak.
at this point he turned for help to George Adichondro, then of Beia Desa
it was George who approached Adi and asked to "Keya Kama" 
/at meeting attended by Adi, Ale, George, Ripai, [[Sara?]], Nani Yamin, etc, as well as Dn. Cosmos Blaan from [[Batularas?]] office (both named Cosmos)
this group sucessful [[successful]] in meeting with the mayor (Wali Kota), getting a 2-yr. postponement on demo - lition, and getting the mayor to enter into a dialogue w/ the people
Wali Kota said he would have to put it to the governors, [[Cokropranolo?]] Soejipto (BPS) arranged a meeting w/ the govn. why Nani and Ali also attended
person on the govns staff who didn't want to compromise on the squatter's issue was Jr. Pik - favored forcing them to Transmigrate 
Soejipto at all answered that people cannot be forced ("Tidak [[bolok]] dipaksa2 begitu") that way [[strikethrough]] in [[?]] [[strikethrough instead they offered a plan whereby 200 million could be collected to finance resettlement: 
30 from own savings
170 from donations, foreign and domestic
Pik gave in bud didn't want to put the delay in writing for [[Pear?]] that other [[equatter?]] settlements would demand the same delay
among the NGOP involved in forming the original [[Klonpok?]] Keya [[Penak?]]. were: LSP
Bina Desa 
Aksi Pussa Parokei
Pa Loemi
Jkatam [[Arsitektur?]] Jnd.
Lion's Club
Ripai P. chosen as coordinator w/ Ali Thoyib as [[?]]; Ali later didn't have time, so replaced by Situnaggal Pramono SH, a friend of Ripai's