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or fishermen's documents which are required to reside in Muara Angke
- people apparently cheated by a man who offered to settle their residency problems & got 100,000 from each of them
- when officials arrived the people refused to leave their houses & formed a barren to prevent the officials entering

- commenting on the demolition the district chief said the families should have thanked the govn. for the 7 mo. free stay
he also said the families would be given an opportunity to apply for new houses provide they can fulfill the necessary requirements

[[left margin]] 20 [[left margin]]

article on slum of Bongkoran alongside railroad track between the Tarah Abang Station and the bus terminal article says this is Jakarta's largest concentration of low class brothels
- focuses on life of prostitutes who get 2000-2500 Rp per customer of which 500 @ must be paid to the "ibu", ie. the woman [[strikethrough]] her [[strikethrough]] who owns her shack


- may give half of the rent or more to her pimp who offers love, protection against maltreatment by other men, esp. juvenile gangs & thugs
- pimps spend their time drinking & gambling
- Bongkaran has been demolished 3 times, once during term of Ali Sadikin, then in 77 and again in 1981
1st time a fire preceeded [[preceded]] demolition, 2nd time compensation given

[[left margin]] 21 Sept 9, 83 [[left margin]]

Kebun Kacang housing komplex [[complex]] will be ready for occupation before end of year, acc. to Batubara of the 600 units avail., 400 will go to old residents
Perumnas will take action against those who try to resell their certificates
acc. to regulations, tho who leave must return certificates to Perumnas

some of old residents who got compensation & left have come back asking for units [[strikethrough]] d [[strikethrough]] because of desireable [[desirable]] location
for old residents, flat rates will remain