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at same level as in past
lurah will set rate for new residents
- mayor of W. Jakarta called on private sector to build more flats in crowded areas such as Tambora 
Perumnas not able to finance all, but can play a role in provision of credit


notes from Ford File on Panca Bhakti

1 let from Holloway, June 2, 81
- Naing. 1st achieved prominance [[prominence]] Jonggol project
- sacked as a field worker by Usaha Mulia
- U.M. acts as agent for Terre des Houmes but N. hasn't fallen out w/ them apparently
- Richard has had problems getting N. to repay loans
- both Bambang Ism. & Pa Albrecht warned Richard to be careful about trusting money to N.
- further info. available from Albrecht at Tanjung Priok, Pa Dijkstra via MAWI, Pa Oui Tik Djaen at Jakarta Cathedral, George Adicondro at INDHRRA

2 our let to SEKKAB explaining grant to P.B:
- budget will cover:

[[2 Columned Table]]
| Rp 140,000 | office equipm |
| Rp 600,000 | partial office rent |
| Rp 540,000 | office adm (18 mo. @ 30,000) |
| Rp 900,000 | transp. costs & maint. of 2 motorcycles |
| Rp 3,240,000 | staff salaries for 3 persons @ 60,000 mo. |
| = Rp 5,420,000 |
[[/2 COlumned Table]]

[[left margin]] $8338 [[left margin]]