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Jan 25 fixed capital might also fit into that category of things listed as labor-saving device
what about electr. toothbrush- saves user's labor but doesn't save human labor
* Wilkenson, Richard Poverty + Progress -
he argues that technol. progress begins when people start running out of things
dig coal when run out of wood
poverty comes when run out of easily accessible resources
if nuclear holocaust + few remaining humans had to start over, would have to go a diff route because easily accessible coal + oil gone
- until get into automic fission, all energy from sun
plant photosynthesis begins food change
as use wind power + sun evaps water, drops it as rain, etc.
coal + oil are fossil plants
- modern world very high energy
-at 1st energy of our own bodies, then domesticated animals + add their energy; then wind + water thru


sails, windmills, watermills then fossil fuels
now atomic which taps into whole new source
no. of new books out on econ. consequences of entropy
whenever convert energy to light, heat, etc. loose some of it
car engines waste about 80% of energy created
sometimes can capture some - old farm kitchens put cooking oven in center + wasted energy

- theory of entropy says event. heat sources in universe will be dissipated + eventually universe will be tepid
life the major counter-entropy source in our world because of ability of plants to capture + store energy - - this holds back entropy
friction and entropy process

comes a pt. when cost of getting the oil exceeds the price of the oil + must stop ((or raise price))
anthrop's work w less mechanized systems working at lower entropy level