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Feb 4
one of the [[strikethrough]] time [[/strikethrough]] things capital does is to buy you time
what is time
friend of Alice's doing research noted people incensed when tractors introd. & govn. wanted to change per hr
people had a trad. measure which took into acct. difficulty of field which largely a result of soil type - someone noticed machines had an RPM guage on that wh/ amts. more or less to diff. & people happy to be charged by that

time - 1. units
2. deadlines
3. process
4. sch. conflict, cooperation

planting deadlines & harvesting

seed beds buy you time - phasing simultan w/ festival cycle - Alice says because Islam an urban rel.


have natural cycle & culturally imposed cycle wh/ may or may not coincide

Gov. 5 day market cycle (wage, kliwon, - , [[?]], pon)

for some reason became a stereotype in W. world that peasants not aware of time
get Alice pts out farmers must be acutely aware of time and willing to spend a lot of effort to buy time
W. puzzled (Eur & Amer) that peasants worked so hard [[strikethrough]] to be [[/strikethrough]] for low return
also that peasants didn't use clocks or mechan. time divices - our time units largely artificial
nothing inherent in anthr. that has to be M W F 12:30-1:20
we're locked into small critical margins

((in peas. cycle value of time depends on opportunity costs i.e. whether there are options for use))

scheduling problems-