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stolen more easily
if store by buying a bull, everyone in the vil. will know it's George's bull
- a great deal of storage in prim. societies is in form of debt - I give a feast & later you must give me a feast ((risk of default))
goods which are heavy & risky to store are converted into memories which are very light
see again that language & social sanction system critically imp. in [[strikethrough]] dd [[/strikethrough]] ability to store
((one of the adv. of cassava & root crops is that can be stored over a period of months & hence built-in storage [[strikethrough]]sec[[/strikethrough]]systems, whereas [[strikethrough]]go[[/strikethrough]] grains have to be harvested at single time)) - ((in economies where root crops the basis of diet probably less cooperation))
in N.Z.[[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]] where eat sweet pot. at the limit of ecol. zone & can't leave it in ground all winter - hence seasonality reimposed & had to build storage

Maori warfare was try to get your harvest in sooner than neighbor & then lay seige to [[strikethrough]]him[[/strikethrough]] them


Feb 8
[[strikethrough]]cont[[/strikethrough]] look again at the idea that liquid capital a way to manipulate time
example of transplanting

water source
early rains seedbed

early light rains only enough water for seedbed  
as rains incr. plant beds in rot. as can [[strikethrough]]wo[[/strikethrough]] get enough water to turn more & more fields into the soupy mud needed

[[left margin]]
a non zero sum game
[[/left margin]]

cooperation then becomes a kind of capital
when bring in new rice varieties may [[bolux?]] up whole system 
research has shown have to introduce new varieties over a whole block

Transcription Notes:
Not sure what word is at end of second page, second to last paragraph arrow pointing down from the word "feast" at end of sixth line to next paragraph [[image - drawing of crop rotation]]