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this is the simple-minded competitive model wh says if your slice better, mine must be smaller (0 zero-sum game)

a non-zero sum game says w/coop. increasing yours also increases mine
if 1000 gal of water avail but divide in 4 is 250 gal each which not enough to get field soupy
if each field gets 1000 for one day wh may be long[[strikethrough]]er[[/strikethrough]] enough, much higher productivity
what human cult. & social arrangements about are non-zero sum games
starts w/ birth & rel between mother, child & midwife
opportunity cost =  lost opportunity


if going to going berry picking in mtns. can't be fishing

substantivists think that before market stage isn't scarcity
scarcity, however, is your own time, can't access 2 resources at once

w/ liquid capital we can dodge some of apport. costs because I can get you to do somethings for me -

if I am good [[strikethrough]]an[[/strikethrough]] at mak[[strikethrough]]e[[/strikethrough]]ing baskets and make them to you, & you are good at making shoes & make them for me, then minumum [[minimum]] time & materials wasted

if you have no job opportunity costs very low
((must cover calorie costs of added work))
in planting & harvesting season costs very high
((coop. not same as wage labor))
in Java a variety of jobs avail & get a rank ordering

Transcription Notes:
[[image - drawing of pie graph labeled A-H with equal triangles]]