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Feb 20-

money the token for all the credits for goods + services outstanding in that community

if you help me fix my roof + I [[strikethrough]] go [[/strikethrough]] give you a chicken we're square; if I promise to fix your roof in return the transaction is ongoing
you incur risks either way (the chicken may die or I may die)

even in money econ. transactions in goods + services take place e.g. if father grows parsnips on garden plot + serves to family, if mother cooks dinner for fam.

will talk about spheres later, but [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] in any econ. non- monetized domain may decrease or increase
tend to think of it decreasing in developing econ., but under certain circumstances e.g. warfare may increase
examples of people going back to barter under conditions of pol. disturbance

people may resist monetization of certain domains of activity because of fear of 


or experience w/ inflation

* Helen Codere - "Money Exchange Systems + a Theory of Money"
Man Dec 1968
Vol 3 no 4, pp 557-577

1 Time
2 Place
3 Person
4 Goods/Services

to the debate about what is or is not money, Codere says lets look at the degree to which abracts [[abstracts]] - - ?
i.e. full money can be used any time, any place, with any person, for any type of goods + services are special purposes monies (e.g. Panahou carnaval [[carnival]] chits)

Alice wouldn't call kula valuables money because feels money must