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Polanyiists knew societies can have more than 1 system, but wanted to see which one organized the society

archeologists seeing that trade networks preceed pol. integration


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[[strikethrough]] Id [[/strikethrough]] Polanyiists use term 'embedded'

Nadel developed term "induted" & uses it in a way Alice likes
every person has multiple roles; sometimes your roles conflict + sometimes attempt to disassociate 2 or more roles
sum total of your roles is your persona

the roles are, by the way, rules, what you ought to do (rather than what you do)

old doctor
[[arrow pointing up & down]]
Mary, a new nurse
[[/arrow pointing up & down]]

new young intern
[[arrow pointing up & down]]
Mary, senior nurse w/ 40 yrs experience
[[/arrow pointing up & down]]

role still doctor - nurse + old person - young person overlaps
in small society w/ small no of personel, much overlapping of notes on multiple notes, + this what Hadel called involution - - you are my neighbor, my headman, my brother in law, my elder, my friend etc. all at once
as scale of soc. gets larger, as market penetrates, begin to turn outside for some