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[[left margin]] 3/11 -[[/left margin]] Economizing & Maximizing really same thing

Fosters "Image of Limited Good"
Peasants in Mexico assume that if [[?]] gets rich must come out of other peoples pockets
in this case were some constraints, esp land

but Alice feels that many peasants aware if we all cooperate ie irrigation we will all get benefits & be better off

village gets in trouble if resources start flowing out of the village

((how does this tie in w/ levelling mechanisms?))

risk differs from uncertainty  [[strikethrough]] un[[/strikethrough]] in unpredictability, tho nowdays tendency to perceive as continuum

one of the convenient things about having wealthy villages around is that they can afford to take risks
[[left margin]]
Bob Jay's data
[/left margin]]
you can [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] get a sharecropping arrangement from him 
young inexperienced worker gets diff.


arrangement & has to bear less risk than middle aged sharecropper who is more experienced & landowner turns it totally over to him in terms of decision - making

in earlier period of Java owed labor, not cash when in debt

zero sum                            non-zero sum
land market                         land improvem
div of irrig. water                 repair irr. works so less loss for 
                                    soaking in

if selling outside the village, if market elastic would perceive as non-zero sum game + if market ineleastic as zero sum game

if perceive as non-zero sum will not compete as intensively as if perceive as zero sum

non zero sum has survival value