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[[left margin]]3/13-[[/left margin]] Econ. Spheres

classic work on this topic done by Bohanan among the Tiv.

defines spheres as lists of goods which are transacted one against the other 
Tiv not really a cash economy

3 indiginous spheres - he calls this a multi centric econ. & contrasts w/ W.

1. subsistence (food & handicrafts)-
barter in markets
includes gift giving & market

2. slaves, cattle, ritual official, kind of special locally woven cloth, medicines, metal rods (elsewhere in Aft. get metal an blades used in much the same way)
could quote price in brass rods but [[strikethrough]] pay it in cattle
transfers never done in marketplace
Bohanan calls brass rods "general purpose money" but only w/ in this sphere
[[left margin]] shagba or 'prestige'[[/left margin]]

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this sphere tightly sealed off from subsistence sphere
considered immoral to sell slaves for food, but if desperate could exchange brass rod for food
part of problem [[strikethrough]] is the[[/strikethrough]] similar to taking a diamond to a restaurant to buy a cup of coffee - values too different

3. rts in women as wives

diff. exchanges marked by diff moral attitudes

consequences (exch w/ in sphere) morally neutral, but conversions morally charged (between spheres)

conversion up ascribed to skill and luck, down rationalized by need to help kin.

Alice pts out contradiction between saying separate spheres & then saying converting up the name of the game

can Latin Amer. fiesta system be seen as a conversion? (wealth to prestige)