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3/24 Entrepreneurship

Ludwig's entrepreneurship in Amazon basin

core of entrepreneurship is
1. innovation
2. capitalization
3. risk bearing

soil beneath rain forest sterile & fragile;

Barth's Darfur article
mtns N. Afr.
those down below difficult than up on mtns.
used to be a powerful kingdom
Alice suspects has been a drop in pop.
are ancient terraces for irrigated fields & land avail. just by asking headman
wife brews beer for husb, husband formerly wove clothing for fam & now must buy

his def. of spheres much more complex than Bohanans 


upland options

millet used for beer used to get labor used to plant millet
                 |                 |
                cash            used to make hut

if have enough huts can sell in market but price very low
can sell beer but beer made by women & considered improper to sell because a service of the marriage bond

cash buy small cattle in lowlands, fatten, sell for cash in lands

limits too since need a young boy to care for & not many people in lowlands want to sell cattle

unlike Tiv, cash in high prestige sphere of buying bride price goods
but wives indep. & man only entitled to her beer producing services, so more wives not the asset they are in some societies

beer/poridge} feast, but feast doesn't
cash cattle } lead to power