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tend to say I need so much for headtax, so much for axe, etc.
happens because little use for money & this called a backward sloping demand curve (the more you pay them, the less they work)
formerly very widespread (1920's & 1930's) but less true now because penetration of outside markets

suppose in our society we could only use money to buy & repair houses but not for anything else

((company stores))

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4/3. Darfur (cont.)

in looking at ownership, must also look at use - rts. - intimately linked

usufruct = use rts.

ownersh never absolute i e I can sell my house to a Frenchman but not to France

what are your rts to dispose of your property ? if smoke from your smokestack (formerly an externality, caused poll. or acid rain, you may not be trying to claim but disclaim ownership

externality as a kind of negative ownership responsibility

in some pt of Engl. can't build something wh/ shadows another's land

thus ownership very complex & changes as use changes
in Hawaii, the line of sight between you & sea is something condo owner seeks to claim rts over

Transcription Notes:
rts = rights