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shadows, vacant space above a building, views have all become matters of econ. concern

Barth's study of Persian nomads - one of main duties of the Khan to set up a migration timetable rather like a train sch.
have ownership then of a moving section of the migration route

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4/8 substantivists don't talk about prod., curiously, but about trade

1st chap. of Bill Davis' dis a good descrip of subst-form. controversy

Davis feels subst. talk more about norms & form. about reality of what people do
from Firth, if a ritual requires a white bull, what do people do if can't get a white bull
- use white bull calf?
- use gray bull?
- promise to sacr. white bull later?

we never maximize to perfection because would take too long
(if cold, can't take 6 wks looking for a coat
do sometimes make mistakes

hot topic now: decision making, how do people decide what their goals are & how do they reach them? maximing a subcategory of dec. theory
cult & env. aids as well as constrains
also hot: environment & ecology as they relate