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2. he decides on the "train sch" for migration
3. he mediates between the nomads, & the urban & peasant peoples
if there is a dispute, Khan acts as the nomads lawyer so nomad doesn't have to leave flocks
- Khan a very wealthy man & lives in urban areas - rt to tax the herds

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Alice juga bilang

orang itu sedikit miring - tidak normal komentarnya

4/14 - nomad pol structure clearly relates to econ facts of life
not econ. determinism, Alice feels, since econ & pol 2 aspects of same reality & it is our own minds that separate them out ((yet in any given decision, sustenance may predominate as a goal))

we have divided reality up for convenience (econ., pol., rel, art. kinship.) & then talk as tho our categories real

Decision Theory

Neumann & Morgenstern  started w/ games theory in 50's looking at individual decisions

pre-attentive factors
prim or peas peoples may take some things so much for granted that forget or don't think to tell the interviewer 
((externalities too))

[[left margin]] all diff [[/left margin]]

1. imperfect information
2. externalities
3. pre-att. factors