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4/23 - W. firm vs subsistance HH

in subsist. econ. how well you like the products you make imp.
if making shoes, you will make size, style, color & durability wh/ suits your taste, but if making shoes for market don't care about it

Codère (wrongly Alice thinks) says can only maximize if have no. system of bookkeeping

the fact that these 2 types of systems (firm & HH) have different & predictable patterns of decision-making

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4/26 - concepts of time in W. firm vs HH

if machines break down, nothing to do till repaired
if dishwasher at home breaks down, however, housewifes time multifunctional

* Ann Willner's cloth factory on Java

on strategy such as Jav. wh/ maximizes flexibility, don't waste time on long-range planning
W-style worker can be out of a job;

substantivists say it is the market econ. wh/ creates scarcity
in a sense reverse is true
peasants & small scale producers more aware of things we may consider externalities