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((villages tend to be self-suff in food staples, w/ form patterns of regional interactions for handicrafts))

soc. str = rules
[[left margin]] → [[/left margin]]
soc. org = playing the game


5/3 Marshall Sahlins- "On the Social. of Prim. Exchange"
ASA #1

article on reciprocity

generalized balanced negative
recipr recipr recipr.


Sahlins tends toward substantivist pt of view
restricts self to politically non-centralized societies, the others use his categories w/ out this restriction
says: in prim societies economies embedded; nat. transaction just a moment in a social rel
(Alice still prefers to say is an econ. dimention to any rel.

overlaps & contrasts w/ Ortiz

includes pooling w/ redistribution in centralized movements

1. V-Versa movements between parties
2. centralized movements