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Ortiz shows, however, reciprocity can be combined w/ pooling among Paez

Sahlins says only w/ reciprocity can do such things as store food supplies against risk- Ortiz says can do by pooling


5/6- Sahlins (contd)

pooling is more egalitarian, less stratified than redistrib.

coalition doesn't hold things in common as in pooling, but otherwise similar

if wealthy enough not to need the long term benefits of coalition can move out

Bob Jay pts out that if I have 1/10 of a ha & you have 10ha, silly for us to do gotong royong

also a desire at both ends ([[strikethrough]] ha [[/strikethrough]] of Jav village spectrum) to move into cash economy- wealthier farmers would rather do cash cropping

[[image - sketches of two circles with many swirls within]]
[[image - sketch of 5 vertical lines with diagonal lines intersecting them]]

on "pure gift" the reward may be intrinsic, ie the pleasure of a child's enjoyment

Sahlins extends meaning of substantivist's term reciprocity
Alice criticizes Sahlins for including theft under reciprocity- theft not embedded & can be done by an animal,