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[[top right margin: long division 12,000 divided by 9 equaling 13,330]]
transport to truck
they buy direct
scrap iron from Misrishah [[strikethrough]]Bazaar [[/strikethrough]]
area; 5 Rp K.
no interm.
full payment
600 Rs to rent truck - rent from 
goods transport stands (private)
12,000K a time (300 man)
[[strikethrough]]every[[/strikethrough]] 2x a month in peak 
in normal season 1 x every
mo. or 1 1/2 mo.
[[left margin: multiplication 12,000 times 5 equaling 60,000]] sometimes more than a lak at a time
furnace oil
peak season 4 drums (48 gallons)
per fortnight
500 Rs per drum
regular season 2 per fortnight
— commission agents (interm)
bring to the enterprise


can't buy in small quantity
directly (whole truck)
people from same village, not smiths
full cash
400-500 per mo. electr bill
[[strikethrough]]welding rods[[/strikethrough]] paint, mobil oil
also used in small quantities
— [[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]] have stoppages due to shortage of capital or low market demand 1 or 2x per year — can last 2-3 mo.
— 3 mo. last yr. 
sometimes credit from suppliers — permanent customers
same price — pay back 15 or 20 days
total labor force 6
3 family
3 hired
father, 2 sons
hired workers from same village
800-900 monthly basis — overtime in peak season