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600-700 man a fortnight
3 mo. Dec Jan Feb.
if use less than 600 not econ. because labor & elects. costs same yr. round 
pays workers when shut down 
6 drums furnace oil 
iron cost per man 160 per ma diff 15 Rp per man higher in Aug -Sept
agents bring f. oil in paddy season f.o
also used in tubewell engines because demand more people w/ mix furnace & diesel oil tubewells diesel or f.o.
400-450 reg price
500-550 pady season price
sometimes diff to get & causes work stoppage also

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others, not him
rents trucks from truck stand- 1000 per load same
bought machinery 8 yrs ago: local foundries
ready made
total per fortnight wages 2,500
3 family members, brother workers from vil. 4 wage 
because the brothers perform the most technical jobs,

can make 1200 sets in a fortnight 
sell for 35-125
Lahore - Badami Bagh - Direct
Gujranwala - Sialkot road - Direct
[[Jaisalabad?]] - circular road - direct/order
Rawalpindi - gawalmardi - direct/order
Sargodha - Satma ginnah road  - Direct