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[[page 20]]

he handles marketing him -
sell 10-12 days for marketing a mo.
in his absence younger brothers handle business travels by buses and minivans
straightening process still being done by hand
big problem for new material
straight belt - peti; good quality, better than scrap, but they can't afford
7 Rs per K. from mill
can avoid wastage [[^less wastage]] if there are the savings 
25% wastage
for 100 K, 25 wastage
- 110-120 per mound

[[page 21]]

he feels he needs heavier machinery with more efficiency
instead 1 die, uses 2 dies
1. press - purchases as 1976 10000/2
2. "       "         "  "    10000/2
2 [?] machines - 32,000/= 1982
drill machine - 3000/= 1982
furnace - new construction - 3000/=
repair after 7-8 months - 500/= - 600/=
stil kin
father dead, was a tenant farmer
he has not land capital from relatives and friends;
- no bus. rel. with landlords and get no capital from them
1 more worksh has generator
- always gets iron on credit