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[[page 22]]
he says "they" buy new mat on credit + sell produce on credit"

his age

-his palas from old raw mat not so beautiful + smart, so marketing problem
4. Mok Aslam
son of Mok. Ramzan
saharan caste - another bl. casle
[[left margin]]
a subcaste of Lohars
[[/left margin]]
"brother hood" but not close family w7 1
makes pumps from cast parts brought in Guij
repairs tube wells (diesel engines)
are 5 people in his workshop, all fam members
1 brother + his 3 sons
by main road
elects from city (several Lans)
[[End page 22]]

[[page 23]]
buys 60 - 70 per fortnight

Rs 7 per K. alr. cast

sells to another person in Fais., not to buy

gunmetal also used for valve joints (mixture brass + copper)

leather piston works inside - to avoid rust because part remains in water
buy leather pistons rings in Guj. market
1K gunmetal for each pump
25Rs (other gunmetal parts
buys gunmetal parts already cast + then he bores, + polishes.

cast iron Dulhay area,
Gondlarwala Rd
are more than 60 suppliers, but he deals w/ only one
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