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[[preprinted]] page 24 [[/preprinted]]
they don't cast because that is a very big & heavy operation & they dont have capital
they have a little exp. casting 
gunmetal from Gond. Adda, 
(Gond. square) - also a 
he basically loves, polishest 
has been doing for 2 years

before employed in a film making 
electric motor
'Decent Motors'   
closed  in
brick shed w/ wooden roof 
w/ second open room
every worker can operate all
machines but normally stuck
to one
are 3 machines kharad

[[End page 24]]

[[right page]]

1 driller

in summer 60-70 peak season 
pumps used in houses, domestic use
in slow season 30 in slow
spends [[strikethrough]]almost[[/strikethrough]]800-1000 for elect per month
no furnace oil
a little mobil oil for lubrication
he goes to buy - full cash
can credit 10-12 days if desire at same role
no price rise in peak season;
transports buy cart from [[??]];
can finish 3-4 a day
8-4 pm
bought machinery '84, each large lathe 12,000, 1 small for 4000, & 1600 for driller.