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clay from [Miawali?] directly [seller?] provides truck but 
can carry 250 [[??]] + he usually buys full [[??] every month
4000-5000 [Ris?]
no potter has own truck 
usually pays cash but 
sometimes 1 [[?]] credit 
no price diff. 
also use soapstone in equal amts. — he doesn't go to Mianwali or [[?]], but
phones + they deliver 
9000 - 9500 per 
below, same composition 
mainly cash, s.t. credit 
for these also  

never seen mines 
one worker has seen the 
miners go inside + bring stones 
out, bring to the stones on 
[[strikethrough]][[okay?]][[/strikethrough]] private mine owners 
[[?]] Nabi [[strikethrough]]Bak[[/strikethrough]] [[?]] Zahri politician in Baluch., also [[?]] 
[[strikethrough]]mines[[/strikethrough]] diam. mines there 
truck rent goes up in rainy 
season because slipery 
no stoppage, he says 
worker pays 30,000-35,000 
working cap for new mat. 
≠15,000 profit? 
[[?]] gas fully — have 
had for 15 yrs 
formerly wood 
Ch 4 
Sui[[?]] - natural gas from methane [[strikethrough]] Bach[[/strikethrough]] Baluch.