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they place order to commission agents, + agents handle truck rental
per man glass 30 Rs per diff. equipm[[equipment]] (barmill) for glass-glass must be washed first 
Rs 10,000 for barmill wh washes [[strikethrough]]crushes[[/strikethrough]] glass only, not crushes; use huller for grinding
capacity 1000 KG(total capacity) per day (20 bags) ground glass, clay + soapstone

1 [[strikethrough]]b[[/strikethrough]] barmill for washing + 5 grinding machines(hullers)
- 6 workers
1 owner Haji Moh Shareef

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1976 set up enterprise
Sender Rajput- [[strikethrough]]not[[/strikethrough]] Kashmiris(maybe Kashmiri pottery makers), not pottery makers
2 rooms + big shed
rainy season sales 50% less;
sun needed to dry the pots
also sell glaze wh[[which]] they make themselves
use sui [[strikethrough]]gla[[/strikethrough]] gas to make glass
wash broken glass, add chemicals in furnace + will melt down under high temp.
[[strikethrough]]are[[/strikethrough]] will come out on surface of water
they sell only on cash basis- are other suppliers who give credit tho, he says
on credit 10% higher, he says