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large 16" 80 Rs
smallest 13" 70 Rs

he says next shop [[unintelligible]] Allied Auto also sells

he says quality good + no complaints about phalas[[?]]

he gets regular supply - never any delay

he lets them know when needs more - either he goes or they come

1 wk. after delivery he pays them
deliver 2 or 3 times a month +.
varies acc. to season


deliver 150-200 sets a time

peak season in paddy planting season
can sell almost 2000 nets a month then

only 2 Rs, he says, profit for store Sialkot Rd. mainly sells motorcycle supplies

[[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] Went to [[?]] Main Market (old town) visited a chap [[?]] won dealers selling for 7-10 Rp per kilo saw dealer using bucket-like device filled w/ charcoal but w/ electrical pipe (no sui gas in market); heats implement which then applied to joint + welding compound

[[left margin]] [[drawing]] [[/left margin]]

visited sanitary ware shop selling sinks, toilets etc. From

Transcription Notes:
First sentence of (2)