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in Apr - June labor not avail because wheat harvest season; ∴ supply of duvees small + demand higher

sometimes all of his workers leave and sometimes instead they demand higher wages 

if leave, leave for 1 1/2 mo. [[strikethrough]] he [[/strikethrough]] 1st fellow same prob - they leave for a mo

3 or 4 Rs per degree higher demanded [[ scratch out]] per [[scratch out]] in wages in wheat harvest season 

wages differ, he says, per type of duvee

racket design difficult because a miftune of 3 patterns + so they (weave) get 40Rs per duvee 

Jaildan easier + they get 50 rs. a pair - also other 2 designs [[scratch out]] paada [[best guess]] [[scratch out]]
he goes to buy yarn every 20 days + spends (30 going, 150 back) 

goes to market 4 times a mo 
(same market in Lahore) [[strikethrough]]+ spends[[/strikethrough]] 
usually takes 120 duvees a time + 
spends 125 going + 40 Rs back 
— buys 2600 worth of dyes to dye 
20 man of yarn
= about 5 lb every 20 days 
(he buys 20 man of yarn every 
20 days)
buys dyes in Duj. in goldsm. Sunar Bazan
(also ralled Sarafa goldsmith bazaar), mean rail bazaar his workers do only weaving, he does threading + dyeing + marketing
all workers present, young men; his sisters + mothers wind thread at home 
also uses find women rarely if his women busy