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[[upper left corner]] 72 [[/upper left corner]]
visit to factory Mn. Jamal Butt 
large operation on main road accompanied by MCO, Nasra + Cheemah Sahib 
makes carpets + duvees, both woolen + cotton 
family weavers + involved in business 
they have many new designs; he helps Trading Corp. of Pak; head office in Karachi; also a Lahore office but he sends directly to Karachi
firm is Jamali traders, 
he showed nice brocures, also article from "Pak + Gulf Economist Journal" listing products sold thru ak Trading Corp
[[strikethrough]] U [[/strikethrough]] 2 Chundrigar, Karachi Road
beautiful photo catalogue

[[upper right corner]] 73 [[/upper right corner]]
[[strikethrough]] Pak [[/strikethrough]]
Trading Corp of Pak. Ltd.
Press Trust House 
I.I. Chandrigar Road
tel 210515-19 (5 tines)
letegs   TRACOPAK
teleh   2784 TCP PK

also has his own export office in Lahore 
sends to Amer. (NY), Italy, Milan, Paris
has been sent abroad by gov.n. of Pak (Mar 75 Carpet Review)
- he has 3 factories, [[strikethrough]] div. into diff. sections [[/strikethrough]]  
under same management total 100 weavers
does not buy up from small weavers because dyes poor - he gets yarns dyed at dyeing units in Guj. so dyes fast + permanent
album of partic. in Eur trade fairs