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(what I tht was a double unit
was actually 2 machines)
his fa. does the buying of seeds;
brings back by cart pulled by
if buy from Guj. or Sheikupura,
bring back by truck - also
Chakwal (near Jelum) & Gujerkhan (near Pindi)
truck can carry 300 man
& they buy that much at a
fa. goes
cost 1500 Rs from Gujerkhan for
truck, incl. loading labor
they buy 75% from Kamoki - 
will [[strikethrough]] other [[/strikethrough]] only buy from other
cities if get cart rate bulk price - 
difference 5-10 Rs per man
mostly he buys on cash; sometimes
on credit but price same


sometimes short of capital & then
gets raw material on credit from
local market
no other raw material

[[2 column table]]
|5000 total|seed|
|—-|breakdown repairs|

these days only 1 worker & paid
900 per mo.
300 man produces 180 man
spends 3000 mo. for electr.
- sells oil by kilo
1 man = 40 kg
1 KG sells for 15 Rps