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he can't make any leather goods except sandals[strikeout] (kusahs)
he ^ Manzoor can also weave carpets; [strikeout] he & his 2 brothers used to work for a carpet enterprise in same village
he buys leather in Haf., Pir. Mohammed's also
he sells some in Haf. & rest in the village; if fancy can make 2 pr a mo, if plain 4
they also serve landlords - as messengers to other villages, in the fields as agr. laborers, take animals to fields for grazing
in exchange get wheat, rice etc at harvest season (no money)
hence doesn't make shoes full time-if worked full time could make a plain pr of shoes in 2 days
sometimes commission agents come from Haf, but can't get more than 2-3 prs. because he can't stitch more
he can't hire more workers because short of capital
in marriage season borrow capital from friends & relatives; no shoe or carpet maker in the vil. ever got a bank loan
for carpet weaving they get advances from buyers
5 a day (plain) can be made in marriage season when he hires workers
they don't want if high rate of interest
if make a fancy pr. of shoes, will take to landlord & get s. th. in return
sometimes have to give 10 pr & sometimes giv for only 1 pr. - depends on landlords sweet will"
sue paper [strikeout] paper patterns which they cut out themselves w/ talas (Jav. word)