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he [[strikethrough]] makes [[/strikethrough]] had only 2 patterns in the village today both rather ornate 

1. pan (betel leaf) 
2. ambian (unripe mango)
are 5 more 

 diff types shoes{3. moni (without curved tips)
 diff types shoes{4. multani (rounded toe also)
 diff types shoes{5. kusah (upturned tips)
 diff types shoes{6. ucha udda 
 diff types shoes{7. chota 

some confusion [[strikethrough]]some of [[/strikethrough]] 3-7 are [[strikethrough]] shoe [[/strikethrough]] shapes of shoes 
1&2 are designs of [[ember]] & he says are total of 10-12 designs 
he buys gold + silver thread in Haf at shops on road to Luj.


he spends 40 Rp & 60 Rp on thread per pr. shoe 

spends 50 Rp on leather for plain shoes because must we use double leather 

[[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] owns land of own house, but no other land 

fa. also shoemaker no longer enterprises
women never help w/ shoemaking, even when short of labor

③ next stopped by enterpr in same village but across road making carpets
owned by [[Reaz]] Ehmed
large size wool w/ young male weavers, age about 15 up, 4 to a loom, 4 looms
both [[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]] orders from commission agents & sells himself
no labor shortage
if sells himself to Lahore or Faiselabad