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shop has electricity; one noom closed on three sides.
can be shut at night
Leather to make a saddle costs 300 Rp (half set) - full set with briddes etc. costs 600Rp
-takes 5 days for making half eet and 12-13 days for full for 1 person; 600Rp
no business for saddles in P.B most of saddle -makers have gone to lialkof- there make ssaddles on daily wage on contract basis.
They pay if some agency gives them help they can make saddles of superior quality and export themselves;
-cannot get credit from leather sellers, he says
get credit from friends or relatives.
besides leather needs yarn, thread, wood enisets for saddles, iron nails, non stripes, plastic colned pieces (elegent saddles don't use plastic, he says, because taste in Pak. different) 
-request for addresses of export agencies
-family business; fam. lives in market
are 4 other shops in this market owned by his family, so access to large labor force. almost 150 shops in this town; saddle-making, not kusaks.
only older people still in P.B and boys have gone to Sialkot; only 14 shops still open and making money 
started 8-9 years ago, after '73 flood
houses collapsed and lrig capital losses
(3) Sheikh Munis Ehmedsame family as #2 this the largest shop 40-50 saddles, 15 busads a me (real business saddles)