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stone, hardwoods, etc.)

1. For each of the raw materials used, give the following facts:
   a. type of raw material
   b. amount used by the enterprise per day, week or month
   c. whether collected or purchased ([[cross out]] examples [[cross out]]) (examples of collected materials would be dry firing materials, clays or sand from own land, etc.)
   d. if collected, average time spent in collection
   e. person or persons within the [[cross out]] household [[cross out]] enterprise who do the collecting
   f. unit cost, if purchased (per kilo kg, per bundle, etc.)
   g. place or places where purchased (name of markets, stores, dealers, etc.)
   h. where purchased directly or through an intermediary
   i. characteristics of the intermediary (village - based on mot, same ethnic group as mot, etc.)
   j. terms of purchases (credit basis, full cash basis, partial cash basis)
   k. variations in unit price according to terms of purchase