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Ann Dunham Sutoro
Consultant to ADBP for
Cottage Industry Development


1. type of industry (blacksmithing, pottery, weaving, etc.)
2. name of the enterprise owner(s)
3. types of products made (list, e.g. plowshares, tea bowls, carpets, etc.)

1. location of enterprise (village, branch, tehsil)
2. Is the village:
a. semi-urban
b. rural but not isolated
c. rural and isolated
3. distance of the village from:
a. the nearest market town (give name)
b. Gujranwala town
c. Lahore
4. Is the village electrified? Does the enterprise have access to electricity? From what source?
5. type of road or path which leads to the enterprise (width, surfacing) can 4-wheeled vehicles reach the enterprise in all seasons?
6. other important cottage industries or non-farm activities in the village, or in the area
7. any natural resources in the village which could be used or are being used for cottage industries (examples: redclay, whiteclay, limestone, hardwoods, etc.)

1. For each of the raw materials used, give the following facts:-
a. type of raw material
b. amount used by the enterprise per day, week or month
c. whether collected or purchased (examples of collected materials would be dry firing materials, clay or sand from own land, etc.)
d. If collected, person or persons within the enterprise who do the collecting.
e. if collected average time spent in collection
f. unit cost, if purchased (per kilo, per bundle, etc.)
g. whether purchased directly or through an intermediary
h. if directly, place or places where purchased (name of markets, stores, dealers, etc.,plus addresses)
i. if through an intermediary, characteristics of the intermediary (villagebased or not, same ethnic group or not, etc.)
j. terms of purchase (credit basis, full cash basis, partial cash basis)
k. variations in unit price according to terms of purchase
l. seasonal variations in unit price (dry vs monsoon season, pre-harvest vs post-harvest season, holiday season, etc.)
m. transport used to carry the new raw materials from the place of gathering or purchase to the enterprise
n. unit cost of transport, if any
* 2. Based on the above data collected for each type of raw material used, calculate the total expenditures of the enterprise for raw materials per day, week or month during a normally busy period. Include transport expenditures
3. Does the enterprise ever suffer work stoppages due to:
a. shortage in raw material supply
b. seasonal increases in the unit cost of a key raw material
c. shortage of labour
